Legal Notice & GCU

Legal Notice

Website publisher
TV France International
French non-profit organisation governed by the 1901 Act
Registration: RCS Paris 400 367 280
24 rue Chaptal, 75009 Paris, France
Tel.: +33 1 40 53 23 00

Publication director
Sarah Hemar, Executive Director

PHPNET France – Nuxit – Groupe Magic Online
97-97bis rue Général Mangin, 38100 Grenoble, France

General Terms & Conditions of use


“General Terms and Conditions of Use” or “Terms of Use”: means all provisions of this legal notice setting out the rules and terms governing access to and use of TV France International’s websites, as listed below.

“Website(s)”: means the online services for communicating to the public published by TV France International at the following URLs or any other address that may subsequently replace or be added to the following:

“Service(s)”: means services provided by TV France International and accessible via the Websites.

“Third-Party Services”: means services provided by third-party partners and accessible via TV France International’s Websites, in particular via specific pages and/or hyperlinks on the Websites.

“User(s)”: means any person(s) visiting the Website(s) or using the Service(s) offered on the Website(s).

“Content”: includes but is not limited to the structure/architecture of the Websites and/or Services, as well as all text, imagery, audio, videos and other content on the Websites and/or Services, and/or any other element of the Websites and/or Services.

Clause 1. Access and Content

By accessing the Websites and/or Services, Users signify their assent to these Terms of Use.

TV France International shall endeavour to keep the Websites and/or Services up and running 24/7. Users nonetheless accept that TV France International is under a best-endeavours obligation only in this respect. TV France International may therefore take the Websites offline at any time, whether permanently or temporarily, in particular to perform any necessary maintenance or any other editorial actions.

Clause 2. Liability

The Publisher cannot be held liable in the event that Users are unable to access the Websites and/or use its Services.

The Publisher does not provide technical support (whether by telephone or online).

Users bear sole liability for any direct or consequential property damage or moral prejudice they or any of their agents may cause to the Publisher or any third parties as a result of accessing the Websites or using the Services or any information from the Websites.

The Publisher may decide to take the Websites offline or discontinue certain Services at any time, without prior notice and without having to offer compensation. Users acknowledge and accept that the Publisher will incur no liability as a result of such decisions or any ensuing consequences for Users or third parties.

The Publisher cannot be held liable in the event of a User being taken to court as a result of accessing the Websites or using the Services or any other online service.

The Publisher accepts no liability for any information, hardware or software on any websites connected to its own Websites via a hyperlink.

If any provision contained in this legal notice should be held unlawful, null and void or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, it will be deemed unwritten; all other provisions will remain fully valid and enforceable.

Clause 3. Amendments to the Websites or Terms of Use

Data and information provided on the Websites or as part of the Services is not contractually binding. TV France International may at any time and without prior notice amend the content of the Websites, Services or Terms of Use.

Users will be deemed to have been informed of the amended content by means of and as from its publication online; accessing the Websites, Services and Content after publication of the amended content will signify the User’s full acceptance of all amendments.

Clause 4. Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights to the Websites, Services and Content

Except for the open-licence images mentioned in the “credits” section, all Websites, Services and/or Content as well as their individual component elements (in particular their architecture, tree structure and graphic identity, including trademarks, imagery, texts, audio, video, structure, site plan, etc.) are the exclusive property of TV France International and are protected by intellectual property rights (literary, artistic and industrial property rights, as well as any other rights recognised under the applicable laws and regulations).

Users are only authorised to view (solely on single-user screens) or print the Websites, Services and/or Content for their own strictly personal, private, non-exclusive and non-commercial use.

Any other use of the Websites, Services and/or Content requires the prior written consent of TV France International. Any User committing an illegal act will be liable and may be prosecuted, in particular for infringement of intellectual property rights, in accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code. All company names, trading names, brand names, domain names and distinctive signs on the Websites and/or in the Content and Services likewise constitute protected intellectual property.


All trademarks created by TV France International and its partners, as well as all logos included on the Websites and/or in the Services and/or Content, are registered with the French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and accordingly constitute protected industrial property.

Any full or partial reproduction or representation of these trademarks and/or logos taken from the Websites and/or Services, on any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited unless TV France International has given its prior written consent.

Any User committing such illegal acts will be liable and may face prosecution, in particular for infringement of intellectual property rights, in accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code.

The fact that TV France International may show or refer to other trademarks (including figurative marks) registered to third parties on its Websites and/or in its Services, newsletters or any other documentation should in no way be construed as granting, implicitly or explicitly, any licence, right to use or other authorisation in respect of the trademark in question, unless the third party to which it is registered has given its prior written consent.


TV France International’s databases included on the Websites and/or in the Services are protected by both copyright anddatabase rights. Any reproduction, extraction and/or re-use of a substantial part of any such database’s content without TV France International’s prior written consent is strictly prohibited.

Any User committing such illegal acts will be liable and may face prosecution, in particular for infringement of intellectual property rights.


The Websites and/or Services may contain deep hyperlinks or references to websites published by third parties.

Such links, websites and references in no way imply any endorsement from TV France International of the content of the websites in question or any association with their operators. All such websites are entirely separate from the Websites and/or Services. TV France International cannot be held liable for any content, products, advertising, services or other elements shown on such websites, or for any damage or losses sustained in connection with them. Deep links to other websites are provided purely for the Users’ convenience and do not create any obligations whatsoever for TV France International. TV France International has no control over such other websites or any changes or updates that may be made to them.

Hyperlinks have been included on the Websites and/or in the Services solely to improve Users’ online experience; Users visit third-party websites at their own discretion and risk.

TV France International reminds Users that other websites, whether affiliated or unaffiliated with TV France International, are subject to their own terms and conditions of use.

Third parties may freely link to TV France International’s Websites and/or Services provided that doing so is in no way damaging to TV France International’s material or moral interests, does not create any confusion as to the source of the Services and/or Content, and does not constitute an intellectual property infringement under the French Intellectual Property Code.

RSS Feeds

Any User syndicating RSS feeds from pages of the Website and/or the Services using an RSS aggregator assumes full editorial responsibility for the presentation of the content on their own website. TV France International accepts no liability in this respect.

Clause 5. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

If any provision(s) of these General Terms and Conditions of Use is determined to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, the provision(s) in question will be declared unwritten; all other provisions will continue in effect, retaining their full force and scope.

Any provision(s) declared unwritten shall be replaced by a new provision or provisions matching the intent of the original as closely as possible.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by French law. Any disagreement or dispute that cannot be settled between the parties will be submitted to the courts with appropriate jurisdiction within the Paris Court of Appeal’s district.